Scheduling & Parking

Please reserve a time for your walk!

Reserve your arrival time through our appointment scheduler. Reservations will begin Saturday, November 30th and can be made for Saturdays, Sundays, and Wednesdays ending on Sunday, December 22nd. Additional dates include 12/10 and 12/16.  Reservations can be made between 6:00PM-8:00PM.

Be the Blessing Dates

Read more here!

City of Greencastle: Tuesday, 12/10/2024

Beyond Homeless Inc: Saturday, 12/14/2024

Recovery Raw: Monday, 12/16/2024

Fuller Center for Housing: Wednesday, 12/18/2024

Parking Information

Park onsite on the north side of the driveway - 3645 S. County Road 200 West. Parking will be marked with signage. There is a large star marking the beginning of the driveway. 

Parking area marked in red on Google Map

Parking area marked with red box on pathway map